What are the Best Free Photo Editors For Android ?(NEW 2021) 🔥🔥
The best photo editor on android is an editor that is easy to use, has a variety of features and is free of bugs and issues. I have compiled this list of 5 android image editors that i have used before or am using now as well.
Some of these editors are more suitable for adjustments or touch ups of pre-made art or images and fixes while others are good at creating art from scratch and adjustments.
And yes, all of these are FREE and available on the play store. The links will be provided along with their rating at the time of this post.
So, Lets start with The Best Free Photo Editors For Android in 2020 & 2021 !
1. PicsArt Photo Editor: Pic, Video & Collage Maker
The first free editor on the list is PicsArt 🔥
PicsArt is my favorite when it comes to creating some amazing art works. The app has a lot of cool features that you can use to create stunning art works and edits.
They also have a profile feature where you can make your profile and post your edits and gain followers and also you can follow other artists!
Its very intuitive and feature rich. They also host editing competitions online for where everyone can participate.
👉 Rating on Play store ( 20/09/20 ) — 4.2/5
2. Adobe Lightroom — Photo Editor & Pro Camera
The second free Android image editor on this list is Adobe Lightoom 🔥
Adobe Lightroom is a quality app for android and is available on Windows as well. The app features a lot of parameters that you can tune to get different looks for your images.
The app is not an Art creation app, meaning you cannot create art works from scratch. You can only edit them.
Its a must have app if you post content on Instagram because you can create your own presets and then apply them on every image on your account to make an attractive profile.
Pretty much every influencer on Instagram uses Lightroom presets on their images! I do too, you can check out my Instagram profile Here ❤
Lightroom has some very useful and unique features such as Perspective, Selective Edits and the app also allows for RAW editing which is great !
Some features are Premium but even without those the app is a must have.
👉 Rating on Play store ( 20/09/20 ) — 4.3/5
3. Snapseed
The third free Android image editor on this list is Snapseed by Google 🔥
Snapseed means Quality ! Coming from Google, what else can you expect?
The app is only for adjustments and not for creating content. It has tons of unique and interesting features such as Selective Editing, Healing, Perspective and more that allow for a great and satisfying editing experience.
The app also allows RAW editing which is great for professionals. Definitely a must have app for any photographer or editor.
👉 Rating on Play store ( 20/09/20 ) — 4.5/5
4. Adobe Photoshop Express:Photo Editor Collage Maker
The fourth free Android image editor on this list is Adobe Photoshop Express 🔥
Photoshop Express is another touch up / editing app for Android. I personally have not used it that much but even so the app is very good in what it does.
It has similar features to Lightroom but they are more enhanced in certain areas such as Advanced Blur, Advanced Healing and more!
👉 Rating on Play store ( 20/09/20 ) — 4.5/5
5. Pixlr — Free Photo Editor
The last but not the least free Android image editor on this list is Pixlr🔥
Pixlr is an app that allows you to create art works and make edits as well. I grew up with this app😋. This was the only app on my phone when i first got into Photo Editing and Art 5. I think it was like 7 or 8 years back!
The app has pretty much everything you need to get started making amazing artworks and edits. This app is very similar to Pics Art.
I have not used this app since a long time but i am pretty sure they have made the app even better than what it used to be back in the day !
You can also share the art with the Pixlr community as well which is sweet.
👉 Rating on Play store ( 20/09/20 ) — 4.3/5
And that’s all for today folks!
These were some of the best android image editing apps that i think you must definitely check out !
This list is not in any order, the numbering is just for listing each app, it doesn’t depict any sort of better or worse comparison.
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